Great Lakes (IL IN MI MN OH WI)

"Army Corps Approves $778M Plan To Block Asian Carp Advance"

"The head of the Army Corps of Engineers has sent Congress a $778 million plan to fortify an Illinois waterway with noisemakers, electric cables and other devices in the hope that they will prevent Asian carp from reaching the Great Lakes, where the aggressive invaders could leave other fish with too little to eat."

Source: AP, 05/27/2019

EPA Experts Objected to ‘Misleading’ Agency Smog Decision, Emails Show

"Newly released emails show that Environmental Protection Agency scientists raised strong objections to a 2018 decision by Scott Pruitt, who was head of the agency at the time, to exempt most of southeastern Wisconsin from federal limits on smog."

Source: NY Times, 05/27/2019

"Air Pollution: Emails Link Flip-Flop On Illinois Smog To Pruitt Deputy"

"The director of Illinois' environmental agency abruptly reversed positions last year on a key air quality compliance recommendation after being contacted by Clint Woods, the deputy head of EPA's air office, according to public records cited in federal court litigation."

Source: Greenwire, 05/17/2019

Is Your Local Landfill Leaking Methane?

It’s a good case for the global-local nexus: The potent greenhouse gas methane may be leaking from your local landfill. And this week’s TipSheet explains the latest news developments in this long-standing controversy, as well as policy disputes over capturing the gas. Plus, get story ideas and questions to ask for your local reporting.

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As Ohio Nuclear Bill Advances, Dems Seek To Raise Renewable Standard

"A second version of legislation in Ohio designed to subsidize the operation of two nuclear power plants appears to have the same limitations on renewable energy development as the first version."

Source: Midwest Energy News, 05/07/2019

50 Minnesota Republicans Say Humans Aren’t ‘Key Cause Of Climate Change’

"Minnesota House members revealed Wednesday whether they believe humans are causing climate change. It broke largely along party lines: 79 lawmakers, including all 75 Democrats, voted yes, and 50 Republicans voted no. Five Republicans did not vote."

Source: Twin Cities Pioneer Press, 04/25/2019

Is Your Favorite River Endangered? Check the List.

The latest release of the annual endangered rivers list provides boatloads of environmental reporting angles, including climate change-related threats like flooding and drought. This week’s TipSheet has the backstory and the new top-10 list, plus 10 suggested starting points for stories and a half-dozen key reporting resources.

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Indiana Chamber Rejects Pruitt Effort To Keep Coal-Fired Plants Online

"The leading business lobby group in Indiana on Monday rejected a plea from former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt to back legislation that would keep aging coal-fired power plants online because it would raise electricity rates for local businesses and homeowners.

Source: Reuters, 04/23/2019


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