
PEER Sues FDA for Documents on Livestock Antibiotics

Under FOIA, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility requested FDA documents justifying its use of categorical exclusions to avoid assessing the environmental impact of not regulating livestock antibiotics. After FDA failed to provide any, PEER filed a lawsuit in federal district court.

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July 24, 2012

DEADLINE: EJN Fellowship for IUCN World Conservation Congress

Internews’ Earth Journalism Network is organizing a Fellowship for journalists interested in agriculture — 1 each from China, India, Brazil, the US and Northwestern Mexico — to attend the IUCN World Conservation Congress being held in Jeju, Korea, September 5-12. Fellowships still available as of July 24th; apply ASAP.

Topics on the Beat: 

Dead Zone Pollutant Grows Despite Decades of Work: Who's the Culprit?

"For two centuries, the town of Hermann has been known for the Missouri River. But now the river is making Hermann known for an unexpected reason: It is a hot spot for nitrate. Despite three decades of costly efforts to clean it up, the levels at Hermann have increased 75 percent since 1980."

Source: EHN, 07/09/2012

TOOLBOX: EWG Ag Subsidy Database a Tall Silo of Environmental Stories

One starting point to covering agriculture — and the health implications of land and water use — is to follow the money using Environmental Working Group's major database tool. Any reporter covering the ag-environment link should know about it.

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