Economy & Business

#SEJSpotlight: Carey Gillam, Managing Editor, The New Lede; Freelance Journalist

Meet SEJ member Carey Gillam! Carey has more than 30 years of experience covering general and corporate news, including 17 years as a senior correspondent for Reuters international news service. She currently works as a contributing writer for The Guardian, and as managing editor for a nonprofit journalism initiative called The New Lede.


"Biden Funds Brownfields Cleanups But Communities Cite Challenges"

"Cleanups of polluted urban sites are in line for billions of dollars in funding following last year’s infrastructure law—money that advocates of disadvantaged communities say should help steer redevelopment into much-needed grocery stores, affordable housing, and better-paying jobs."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 06/08/2022

"Automakers Back U.S. Restoring California Emissions Authority"

"Five automakers including Ford Motor Co, Volkswagen AG and Honda Motor Co on Tuesday backed efforts by President Joe Biden's administration to restore California's ability to set its own strict tailpipe and zero-emission vehicle standards."

Source: Reuters, 06/08/2022

"Vulnerable Nations Demand Funding For Climate Losses, Fearing UN 'Talk Shop'"

"Loss and damage" caused by more extreme weather and rising seas is a key issue at mid-year U.N. climate talks in the German city of Bonn, as negotiators launched a three-year dialogue this week on a topic that has long divided rich and poorer economies."

Source: Thomson Reuters Fdn., 06/08/2022

‘Big Fish’ Report Hooks Prize With Look at Aquaculture and Environment

The challenges of sustainable aquaculture are at the heart of an extensive reporting project recognized in the Society of Environmental Journalists’ most recent round of reporting awards. In this Inside Story Q&A, Hakai Magazine’s founding editor, Jude Isabella (pictured at left), and author Brian Payton share insights into the series, which looks closely at the industry and its environmental costs.

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Global Satellite Data IDs Tensions Between Food Production, Biodiversity

A recent study of global cropland expansion highlights several trends that are ripe with environmental news stories. One finding: New farm fields have taken over an area the size of Texas and California combined since the start of the century, an expansion primarily affecting biodiversity-rich natural ecosystems, with Africa leading the cropland boom. Freelancer Gabriel Popkin explores the latest data and the reporting possibilities.

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