Climate Change

"Drought and Economy Plague Sheep Farmers"

"SEVERANCE, Colo. -- Since he was a boy in western Colorado, John Bartmann seemed destined to become a sheep man. He raised lambs with the local 4-H club and sheared them for elderly German farmers. His office is lined with paintings of sheep and a plaque honoring him for 'promoting culinary excellence' in lambs. But over the last few years, skyrocketing costs, a brutal drought and plunging lamb prices have battered Mr. Bartmann and the 80,000 ranchers across the county who raise sheep -- from a few to several thousand."

Source: NY Times, 12/11/2012
January 21, 2013 to January 23, 2013

First Joint Private and Federal Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference

Thirteen sponsoring agencies have come together to host in New Orleans the first joint private and federal Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference, a forum for the research community in the Gulf of Mexico to share their latest scientific results. Complimentary registration for credentialed members of the media is available.


"In Arid West, Cheatgrass Turns Fires Into Infernos"

"Cheatgrass is about as Western as cowboy boots and sagebrush. It grows in yellowish clumps, about knee high to a horse, and likes arid land. One thing cheatgrass does is burn — in fact, more easily than anyone realized. That's the conclusion from a new study that says cheatgrass is making Western wildfires worse."

Source: NPR, 12/07/2012


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