Climate Change

April 14, 2012

Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Symposium

At Sanctuary Currents 2012 in CA, you'll learn about some of the fascinating research and conservation activities taking place in our watersheds, wetlands, kelp forests and deep sea. Follow the links from land to sea, as scientists tell us their tales of tracking mountain lions and studying sea otters to searching for bioluminescent creatures of the deep. Free admission with no pre-registration required.

April 19, 2012 to April 25, 2012

Sustainatopia 2012 - Miami

Sustainatopia is one of the world's largest events regarding social, financial and environmental responsibility. "Sustainatopia 2012" will include over 50 individual events in film, art, music, eco-fashion, food, design, authors’ series and parties at many locations throughout Miami. One of these, "Impact & Our Oceans" on April 23, is the first annual impact investment conference focused entirely on oceans.


"Climate, Food Pressures Require Rethink On Water: U.N."

"The world's water supply is being strained by climate change and the growing food, energy and sanitary needs of a fast-growing population, according to a United Nations study that calls for a radical rethink of policies to manage competing claims.

"Freshwater is not being used sustainably," UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova said in a statement. "Accurate information remains disparate, and management is fragmented ... the future is increasingly uncertain and risks are set to deepen."

Source: Reuters, 03/13/2012

Va. Supreme Court Denies Cuccinelli Access to Climate Scientist Emails

Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (R, pictured at left), who avows himself a global warming skeptic, had sought from the University of Virginia grant applications by former U.Va. climate scientist Michael Mann, creator of the "hockey stick" graph, and emails between Mann and other scientists.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Cato Institute Is Caught in a Rift Over Its Direction"

"From its perch in a spacious brand-new headquarters blocks from the White House, the Cato Institute has built on its reputation as a venerable libertarian research center unafraid to cross party lines. Now, however, a rift with one of its founding members — the billionaire conservative Charles Koch — is threatening the institute's identity and independence, its leaders say, and is exposing fault lines over Mr. Koch's aggressive and well-financed brand of Republican politics."

Source: NY Times, 03/06/2012


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