Climate Change

What Will It Take for Geothermal To Heat Up the Renewable Energy Sector?

Geothermal has long been hyped as the next big thing in renewable energy, but its breakthrough moment hasn’t happened yet. Barriers to expansion include the elusiveness of sites offering the magic trio of heat, water and permeability and concern for unique ecosystems. Contributor Jessica McKenzie on geothermal energy’s possibilities and challenges and the government funding that may finally fire it up.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"House Republicans Announce Major Energy Package As Top Priority Bill"

"House Republicans on Thursday announced that a major energy package that has been in the works for weeks will be known as H.R.1, signifying that it’s the party’s top priority for the congressional session."

Source: The Hill, 03/10/2023

"EPA Would Get 19% Boost to Record High Funding in Biden Budget"

"The White House’s fiscal 2024 budget asks for $12 billion for the EPA, a 19% increase over its current enacted level and a record high amount that’s almost certain to be trimmed during congressional negotiations."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 03/10/2023


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