
April 12, 2023 to April 13, 2023

Webinar: Unfence the Future — Taking Down Fortress Conservation and Its Enduring Legacy

The Natural History Museum, Survival International and CUNY Center for the Humanities invite you to a free two-day virtual symposium on the logic of fencing wilderness (“fortress conservation”) to expel perceived threats to ecological balance — from Indigenous Peoples to predator species.


2023 Gathering Goes Big in Boise

The Society of Environmental Journalists’ annual conference is back to Boise, two-and-a-half years after the first attempt to meet in the mountainous Northwestern state was sidetracked by the COVID pandemic. Co-chairs Tom Michael and Christy George outline the rich schedule of plenaries, panels, tours and other events that are drawing record interest to the April 19-23 program.

SEJ Publication Types: 

SEJ Stands With Environmental Journalists of Color Affected by Systemic Racism

March 9, 2023 — In June 2020, SEJ’s board of directors issued a statement titled “SEJ Stands With Journalists of Color Speaking Out About Systemic Racism.” The statement included steps SEJ planned on taking to further its diversity, equity and inclusivity initiatives. In an effort to be transparent about those steps, we are updating those commitments here.

Topics on the Beat: 

From Swine Waste, Student Journalist Extracts Prize-Winning Story

Industrial hog farmers tout swine biogas as a clean, green energy source, but others point to its messy side. A young journalist who investigated the underreported stench of environmental racism associated with this technology learned valuable lessons along the way to producing a feature story that won her a Society of Environmental Journalists’ award for outstanding student reporting.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Diving Deeper on the Wetlands Beat Yields Groundbreaking Coverage

Two journalists covering water policy used a wide range of reporting techniques, from FOIA appeals to on-the-ground reporting, to get at the heart of how problems with wetlands and waterways in the United States are tied to climate change concerns. Inside Story spoke with Hannah Northey and Kevin Bogardus of E&E News about their award-winning beat reporting.

SEJ Publication Types: 
May 15, 2024

DEADLINE: Planet Forward's Summer Seminar in Multimedia Storytelling

Join Planet Forward for its 2024 Summer Seminar in Multimedia Storytelling, June 2-7 in Washington, D.C. The program, hosted by SEJ member Lisa Palmer, will be organized around storytelling techniques and tools, and topical themes. Some scholarships are available. Deadline: May 15.

March 8, 2024

DEADLINE: Wake Forest Mellon Environmental Justice Journalism Fellowships

The Wake Forest University Environmental and Epistemic Justice Initiative, June 24-28, 2024 in Winston-Salem, N.C., will welcome 4-6 early to mid-career journalists (staff or freelance) as the inaugural class of Wake Forest Mellon Environmental Justice Journalism Fellows. Stipend and expenses included. Deadline: Mar 8.


Covering Indigenous Communities — Tips for Non-Native Journalists

Non-Indigenous journalists may think they’re doing “marginalized” Indigenous communities a favor by covering them, but their coverage is too often extractive and riddled with racist tropes. Contributor Valerie Vande Panne offers insights and advice for avoiding these pitfalls. Seeking permission, listening, sharing and respecting are all critical tools for the job.

SEJ Publication Types: 
March 14, 2023

Weaving Our Stories: Women and Girls in Climate Communications

This year's UN NGO Conference on the Status of Women forum is focusing on climate change. The Energy Justice Law and Policy Center is hosting this virtual side event featuring the storytelling work and art of Black women/girls in climate. 5:30-7:30 p.m. ET. Pictured, left: Raya Salter, EJLPC founder.



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