
October 6, 2022

Webinar: Covering Indigenous Land Rights and Extractive Industry Impacts

In Mongabay's latest webinar, expert panelists will discuss Indigenous peoples and land rights, extractive industry impacts such as mining, oil and gas, among others, and the complexities, challenges and questions journalists often face when covering these topics. 7:00 p.m. ET.


Toolbox on Nature-Based Solutions and Native/Indigenous Perspectives

As concerns over global warming, the endangerment of plant and animal species, and water rights escalate, many environmentalists are turning to Indigenous people for guidance. As part of a Society of Environmental Journalists special initiative focused on covering climate solutions, we take a closer look at nature-based solutions and Indigenous people with reporter Brian Bull. Check out a resource toolbox and stay tuned for a reporting tipsheet in coming weeks. Plus, be sure to register for a Sept. 28 webinar on covering Indigenous communities and nature-based climate solutions.

SEJ Publication Types: 
September 28, 2022

SEJ Webinar: Covering Climate Solutions — Indigenous Communities and Nature-Based Approaches

SEJ's Sep 28, 2022 webinar was a discussion on how Indigenous peoples practiced "sustainable management" efforts long before modern society began talking about conservation, environmental protection or climate change and how their voices can greatly enrich environmental reporting — while enhancing the health of both people and ecosystems. Missed it? Watch the recording.

October 20, 2022 to October 21, 2022

IRE DBEI Symposium

Investigative Reporters and Editors' second-annual online symposium, over two half days, will focus on diversity, belonging, equity and inclusion (DBEI) issues for newsrooms. Fellowships available; apply by Sep 23. SEJ is hosting a panel, "The work of environmental journalists of color in reframing the beat," on Oct 21.

Topics on the Beat: 
November 30, 2023

DEADLINE: 4th World Media Lab

This year-long, expenses-paid fellowship is for emerging and mid-career Indigenous filmmakers, offering artist development workshops (and $10,000 grant), training and networking at the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival, Seattle International Film Festival and the Camden International Film Festival. Apply by Nov 30, 2023.

Topics on the Beat: 
October 23, 2023 to October 26, 2023

Science Journalism Forum

The fourth annual SJF is a virtual global event where science journalists, writers, publishers, scientists, students and academia can share new ideas and thoughts in science journalism — and pitch story ideas to the world’s top editors. SEJ members get 50% off tickets. Attendance fellowships available.


Following Nature on a Transformative Journey Away From the Mean Streets of D.C.

As a young man, Rodney Stotts knew plenty about drugs, guns and poverty and little about the other kinds of wildlife in his hometown. A chance offer of a job cleaning up Washington, D.C.’s Anacostia River set him on the path to becoming a master falconer — despite racist resistance — and a mentor to others who share his inner-city roots. BookShelf’s Jennifer Weeks reviews Stotts’ memoir, “Bird Brother.”

SEJ Publication Types: 
November 8, 2024 to November 11, 2024

ScienceWriters 2024

The National Association of Science Writers' annual event takes place this autumn in North Carolina's Research Triangle. For those not attending in person, virtual sessions take place Oct. 17-18.


#SEJSpotlight: Leah Mahan, Independent Documentary Filmmaker

#SEJSpotlight graphic for Leah Mahan


Meet SEJ member Leah Mahan! Leah is an independent documentary filmmaker whose work has been nominated by the Directors Guild of America for Outstanding Directorial Achievement. She is also a nonfiction producer, writer, storytelling consultant and teacher.



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