Environmental Health

Carbon Credits: How One Company’s Plan To Help The Planet Went Off The Rails

"C-Quest Capital claimed it could improve people’s lives in Africa with cleaner cookstoves. But an investigation by The Post shows it promised more than it could deliver."

Source: Washington Post, 09/03/2024

Making Sense of Jewish Perspectives on the Climate Story

American Jews are heavily involved in climate action in both the political and civic realms. But current events in Israel and Gaza can make it hard for U.S. journalists to cover environmental stories important to Jews at home or abroad. Jewish freelancer Ethan Brown on differences and synergies between Israeli and American Jewish environmentalism and how to approach stories within each community.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Sea Surface Temperature Data Tells Many Environmental Stories

With hurricane season expected to kick into high gear, a key data source for reporters is sea surface temperatures. But this widely available information can also tell reporters something about many other water-related environment stories, whether algal blooms, bacterial risks to public health or the prospects for entire estuarine systems. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox helps you dip your toe into this important data pool.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Nonprofit Law Center Asks EPA to Take Over Water Permitting in N.C."

"The unprecedented move highlights regulatory tensions between Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat, and an environmental rule-making commission controlled by appointees of Republican state legislative leaders."

Source: Inside Climate News, 08/29/2024

EPA Watchdog Says Air Chief Had ‘Disqualifying Financial Interest’

"An internal watchdog criticized the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) top air official for participating in the development of a rule that regulates an industry in which he reportedly had financial holdings."

Source: The Hill, 08/29/2024

Plutonium Levels Near Los Alamos Similar To Chernobyl, Study Finds

"Soil, plants and water along popular recreation spots near Los Alamos, New Mexico, the birthplace of the atomic bomb, are contaminated with “extreme concentrations” of plutonium, a new study has found, but calls for the federal government to act have been dismissed."

Source: Guardian, 08/29/2024


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