Fish & Fisheries

"As Climate Warms American West, Iconic Trout In Jeopardy"

"In the mountain streams of the American West, the trout rules. People don't just catch this fish; they honor it. And spend lots of money pursuing it. But some western trout may be in trouble. Rivers and streams are getting warmer and there's often less water in them. Scientists suspect a changing climate is threatening this iconic fish."

Source: NPR, 11/14/2013
November 17, 2013 to November 19, 2013

SEAFEX: Middle East and Africa Seafood Summit

Come to Dubai to learn how to stop overfishing and manage fish stocks for future generations, while creating new business opportunities.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Treaty Curbing Mercury Emissions Becomes International Law"

"KUMAMOTO, Japan -- Japan, where residents of Minamata suffered lethal mercury poisoning in the mid-1950s, today became one of the first countries to sign a new international treaty to reduce mercury emissions and to phase out many products containing the toxic metal."

Source: ENS, 10/11/2013


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