"5 Things to Know About 2,4-D, the 'Possibly' Cancer-Causing Herbicide"
"Use of the third most popular pesticide in the U.S. is predicted to grow dramatically in the next few years."
"Use of the third most popular pesticide in the U.S. is predicted to grow dramatically in the next few years."
"The Obama administration is ordering food companies to phase out the use of heart-clogging trans fats over the next three years, calling them a threat to public health."
"Figuring out whom to trust for nutritional advice can be a daunting task; new findings on everything from the dangers of sugar to the health benefits of leftover pasta seem to come out every day, and the "experts" behind them often have ulterior motives."
"The Obama administration is expected to all but ban trans fat in a final ruling that could drop as soon as next week, killing most uses of an ingredient that has been put in everything from frozen pizza to Reese’s Pieces but since deemed harmful to human health."
"The Agriculture Department has developed a government certification and labeling for foods that are free of genetically modified ingredients."
"The risk of infection from eating food tainted with a common type of salmonella or a dangerous strain of E. coli fell significantly in 2014, according to a report published Thursday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."
"Tyson, the country's biggest producer of chicken meat, says within 2 years, it expects to stop giving chickens antibiotics that humans also use. The decision echoes one by McDonald's last month."
"From the tortillas to the salsa to the chips and marinades, everything served at Chipotle will now be GMO-free."
"Massive legal loophole means companies can add new ingredients to foods with no government safety review".
"U.S. consumer groups, scientists and food companies are testing substances ranging from breakfast cereal to breast milk for residues of the world's most widely used herbicide on rising concerns over its possible links to disease."