
Kids Prefer Healthier Lunches. School Food Lobby Refuses to Believe It.

"From all of the commotion around the new federal school lunch standards, you'd think they were really Draconian. Republican legislators have railed against them. Districts have threatened to opt out. The School Nutrition Association (SNA), the industry group that represents the nation's 55,000 school food employees, has officially opposed some of them—and doubled its lobbying ....  Here's who doesn't mind the new standards: kids."

Source: Mother Jones, 07/24/2014

Oil Sands Contaminate Traditional First Nations' Foods: Report

"New scientific research has found that wild-caught foods in northern Alberta have higher-than-normal levels of pollutants the study associates with oil sands production, but First Nations are already shifting away from their traditional diets out of fears over contamination."

Source: Toronto Globe & Mail, 07/08/2014


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