
Big Environmental Impacts on Small Communities Is Story That Must Be Told

While environmental journalists often focus on regulatory wrestling matches in Washington, D.C., a seasoned New York Times investigative reporter argues the most important stories are those in the real communities where bureaucratic impacts are felt. Three-time Pulitzer winner Eric Lipton makes the case for public service in journalism that tells the environment story from the outside in.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Primer Helps To Prep for Reporting on PFAS

It’s a category of more than 4,000 industrial chemicals that affect our lives nearly every day — and many of which are toxic. So what do journalists need to know to report on the emerging contaminants known as PFAS? Our most recent Issue Backgrounder offers a detailed primer on what PFAS are, where they come from, what their health effects are and how they might be cleaned up.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Database Helps Track PFAS Drinking Water Contamination

Millions of people across the United States are believed to be drinking PFAS-contaminated water. And a growing database could prove an invaluable resource for environmental journalists trying to get a handle on that public health risk. Our latest biweekly Reporter’s Toolbox, recently refocused on data journalism tools and techniques, explains how to tap the expanding PFAS data.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Sifting Through 'Toxic Secrets' To Nail Polluter

A lengthy investigation yielded one small-market environmental reporting team an award-winning project examining the adequacy of a toxic solvent cleanup in a polluted community. Our latest “Inside Story” talks with a team member behind the project to learn about the challenges, the lessons learned and advice for others tracking similar problems.

SEJ Publication Types: 
April 17, 2023

DEADLINE: The Water Desk Grants

The Water Desk at the University of Colorado Boulder's Center for Environmental Journalism is offering grants (up to $10,000) to media outlets and individual journalists covering either New Mexico water issues or the Rio Grande watershed in Colorado, New Mexico, Texas and/or Mexico. Apply by Apr 17, 2023.


FED Tool Tracks Pollution on Federal Lands

A revamped Reporter’s Toolbox begins today with a new focus on data resources for environmental journalists. The now biweekly column starts with a look at a massive database designed for federal land managers that reporters can use to scan dozens of pollution data sets about air quality and more in parks, forests and other federal lands.

SEJ Publication Types: 
June 6, 2019

Webinar: Toxic Cities: Telling Big Stories on Hidden Risks

This free Center for Healthy Journalism webinar, 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET, will provide you with fresh ideas for reporting on hidden threats in your community. Philadelphia Inquirer reporters Barbara Laker and Wendy Ruderman, who reported the groundbreaking series "Toxic City," will share their bold and unconventional strategies for environmental testing.


Urban Farming a Fertile Bed for Crop of Local Stories

The rise of the modern environmental and food movements has shifted urban farming into high gear. For environmental journalists, that could yield a bumper crop of local stories. The latest TipSheet has more, along with questions to ask, story angles to follow and reporting resources to tap.

SEJ Publication Types: 

State of the Air Report Spotlights Persistent Pollution Problems

Happen to have any air breathers in your audience? Then the latest State of the Air Report will give you fodder to cover the persistent pollution problems that plague the skies. This week’s TipSheet has the backstory on the fight against air pollution and five smart ways to tell the story from a local-regional context.

SEJ Publication Types: 
September 18, 2019

Underwater Sound Sources – 2019 Webinar Series

Discovery of Sound in the Sea presents a free, four-part webinar series on anthropogenic underwater sound sources. Topics include seismic sound sources, pile-driving, wind turbines, commercial vessel traffic, echosounders and sonar.



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