Journalism & Media

September 3, 2020

Reckoning: Journalism's Limits and Possibilities

Join "Reckoning" authors Candis Callison and Mary Lynn Young, along with Navajo Times reporter Donovan Quintero, at 11:00 a.m. ET for an in-depth discussion of how journalists and educators can act to change the culture of journalism and journalism education to embrace a more situated and systemic journalism.

Topics on the Beat: 

"FDA Chief Spokesperson Removed After Convalescent Plasma Debacle"

"The Food and Drug Administration’s chief spokeswoman, who has been in the job less than two weeks, was removed from her role as of noon Friday, part of continued fallout from a White House news conference featuring inaccurate claims that convalescent plasma dramatically reduced mortality for patients with covid-19."

Source: Washington Post, 08/31/2020

Dems’ Climate Plan Takes Aim At The Fossil Industry’s Political Power

"Senate Democrats are set to release a 200-page plan arguing that significant US climate action will require stripping the fossil fuel industry of its influence over the government and the public’s understanding of the crisis."

Source: Guardian, 08/25/2020

Bringing Stories Home Under Lockdown, With Remote Video Interviews

They’ve long been a staple of the news business. But now, with the pandemic continuing to keep journalists from their subjects, remote video interviews have become an essential tool. And even newbie video reporters can quickly learn the basics. Science video producer Eli Kintisch shares a quick eight-step remote video setup and some simple tricks of the trade, in this SEJournal how-to.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Trump Data Grab Threatens To Blind Nation’s Health System

Efforts to bury pandemic data is a story environmental journalists best keep an eye on, argues the new WatchDog opinion column. That’s partly because of the connection between the novel coronavirus and climate change, air pollution and environmental justice. But also because it echoes a deepening rejection of science that’s long been part of the environment beat. 

SEJ Publication Types: 

Potentially Explosive Fertilizer Could Be Found in Your Community

Ammonium nitrate, the explosive agricultural fertilizer that blew up in Lebanon this month,  killing dozens and severely damaging Beirut’s center, is stored by the thousands of tons all over the United States. But regulatory blindspots and secretive information policies mean few know exactly where. Backgrounder reviews the chemical’s oversight regime — and its gaps — and has ideas for reporting from your community.

SEJ Publication Types: 
September 1, 2020

Rapid Response Workshop: Smoke, Health & Fire

Climate Central will host this online workshop, 2:00 p.m. ET, with experts and resources to help you cover health effects of wildfire smoke, wildfires and wildfire trends now that the situation in the Western U.S. has grown more critical.

Topics on the Beat: 
September 14, 2020 to September 18, 2020

Bloomberg Green Virtual Festival

This new, culture-shaping event will feature leading voices working at the edge of change. Built to foster solutions-oriented conversations, the five-day festival will feature a cross section of visionaries from business, design, culture, food, technology, science and entertainment.



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