Journalism & Media

High Court Social Media Case Could Help Climate Disinformation, Experts Warn

"The Supreme Court is once again weighing legal challenges with potential ramifications for the global fight against climate change." "Justices heard first arguments last week on legal challenges to laws passed by Florida and Texas that could make it harder for social media companies to curb misinformation."

Source: Inside Climate News, 03/05/2024

#SEJSpotlight: Jocelyn Tabancay Duffy, Reporter and Video Producer, Nexus Media News

Meet SEJ member Jocelyn Tabancay Duffy! Jocelyn is an environmental journalist and video producer based in Oakland, CA. Her work has been featured on The Guardian, NBC, The Intercept, Nexus Media News, KALW, and PBS. She is currently working on documentaries exploring natural gas and plastics' impact on human health.

Topics on the Beat: 
March 24, 2024

DEADLINE: ICFJ News Corp Media Fellowship for Digital Innovation

The International Center for Journalists, News Corp and The Wall Street Journal are offering English-speaking journalists from around the world an opportunity to sharpen their digital journalism skills, as well as support to develop data- and/or digitally-driven projects. Apply by Mar 24, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 

Eat Local for Climate’s Sake? No, Eat Less Meat

Many people who want to reduce their carbon footprint consider the climate impacts of diet, but their efforts may be misdirected. When it comes to greenhouse gas emissions, it turns out what we eat is often more important than where it comes from. Sentient Media’s Jenny Splitter unpacks the locavore myth and explains methane burps, carbon opportunity costs and more. First of two parts.

SEJ Publication Types: 

How Ice Fishing Can Break the Ice on Your Local Climate Story

What does dragging an old car onto an ice-covered lake have to do with informing your community about the perils of climate heating? Potentially a good deal. The latest TipSheet explains how waning winters and the potential impact on the entertaining tradition of ice fishing can serve as an entry into more serious matters. A dozen story ideas and resources to get you started.

SEJ Publication Types: 
March 19, 2024

DEADLINE: SJN Rural Cohort

The Solutions Journalism Network is building a cohort of U.S.-based, rural-serving newsrooms to receive six months of training and mentorship that supports the integration of solutions journalism into the newsroom workflow. Apply by Mar 29, 2024. Join an info session on Mar 7. 

April 4, 2024

DEADLINE: SoJo Europe — Cohort Selection

A collective of organizations including Journalismfund Europe, Transitions and the Constructive Institute have teamed up to fund a solutions journalism-focused cohort. Open to small European media news outlets, especially serving underrepresented groups. Apply by Apr 4, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 
March 6, 2024

ASJA Webinar: So You're Thinking About Writing a Climate Book?

The American Society of Journalists and Authors might be able to help answer your questions about writing solutions-focused books. In this webinar, two experienced writers, John J. Berger and Danielle Arigoni, will discuss everything from pitching to marketing. 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET.



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