Journalism & Media

Top Louisiana University Lets Oil Firms Influence Research – For A Price

"Louisiana State University allowed Shell to influence studies after a $25m donation and sought funds from other fossil fuel firms".

Source: Guardian/Lens, 04/23/2024

Will Zombie Ag-Gag Laws Ever Really Die?

Laws that make undercover journalistic investigations of animal agriculture operations illegal violate the First Amendment, right? Not so clear, laments WatchDog Opinion, which points out that while the Supreme Court appeared to have struck down such laws just last year, it may now revisit the issue. Why it should matter not just to environmental reporters but to all journalists.

SEJ Publication Types: 
May 20, 2024

DEADLINE: Yale Environment 360 Film Contest

This annual contest honors the year’s best environmental films from around the world, highlighting work that has not previously been widely seen. Cash prizes. Deadline to enter is May 20, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 

Earth Day: A Senator More Than 50 Years Ago Got People Fighting For Planet

"Millions of people around the world will pause on Monday, at least for a moment, to mark Earth Day. It’s an annual event founded by people who hoped to stir activism to clean up and preserve a planet that is now home to some 8 billion humans and assorted trillions of other organisms."

Source: AP, 04/22/2024
May 2, 2024

SEJ Webinar: The Intersections of Press Freedom and the Environment

Join Freedom of the Press Foundation and SEJ for a virtual discussion on obstacles U.S. journalists face when reporting urgent climate change and environmental issues for their communities — whether violence or arrest when covering environmental protests or denials of access and legal obstructions when investigating centers of political and corporate power. Q&A to follow. 12pm ET/9am PT. 

Topics on the Beat: 
May 2, 2024 to May 4, 2024

World Press Freedom Day Conference

Between May 2 and 4, Chile and UNESCO will host the 31st World Press Freedom Day Conference in Santiago. This year's theme is "A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the Face of the Environmental Crisis." The event will also be livestreamed.

May 1, 2024

Environmental Journalists on the Frontlines of Democracy

Prior to this year's World Press Freedom Day, the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program, in partnership with SEJ, will celebrate the important role of environmental journalism and highlight the need to protect journalists around the world from surveillance, censorship, oppression and violence. 10am ET.

Topics on the Beat: 

Philly Steaks Out New Ground

It just wouldn’t be the Society of Environmental Journalists annual conference recap without the waggish tales of SEJ’s resident wit, David Helvarg, who once again this year skewers the lot of us, sparing not a jot of our five days in Philadelphia. Read on and prepare to snicker.

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