Journalism & Media

SEJ Condemns Indonesia Arrest of Mongabay Journalist

The Society of Environmental Journalists condemned Indonesia’s arrest and imprisonment of Philip Jacobson, an editor for the environmental news site Mongabay. In a Jan. 22 letter to the ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia and to officials with the U.S. Department of State, SEJ President Meera Subramanian called for Jacobson’s prompt release, for charges against him to be dropped and for his passport to be returned. Full text of letter.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Trump Hails 1 Trillion Trees Plan But Ignores Roots Of Problem"

"As the world’s forests come under increasing threat from fires, agriculture and logging, the World Economic Forum-led initiative to ensure 1tn trees are restored, saved from loss or better protected by 2050 has gathered international support. Now Donald Trump is onboard too, he told Davos."

Source: Guardian, 01/22/2020

"American Journalist Is Arrested in Indonesia Over Visa Issue"

"An American journalist whose work for a conservation website exposed environmental degradation and corporate malfeasance in Indonesia has been jailed by the country’s immigration authorities on suspicion that he violated the conditions of his visa, his attorney said on Wednesday."

Source: NY Times, 01/22/2020

Environment, Energy Issues Will Make Headlines in 2020

As part of our “2020 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment” to help reporters track the stories coming their way this year, SEJournal Online looks ahead to major developments on the beat — from Washington, D.C. to the Arctic, from public lands to fossil fuels. We also explore pending news on transportation, agriculture, nukes, federal funding, freedom of information and even algae. Also under our gaze, key facets of the climate story. Read our overview analysis and then dive deep into the full offering of special Backgrounders, TipSheets and WatchDogs.

SEJ Publication Types: 

New Resources Help Improve Climate Coverage

As public concern about climate change grows, journalists face tough challenges in telling the story well, argues one climate communications expert. But as the climate beat takes on increased urgency, new means are becoming available to better report it, including localized content, explainers and workshops. Tap into these expanding climate resources. Plus, tips on climate “talk.”

SEJ Publication Types: 

Trump Cautions Davos Against Heeding 'Prophets Of Doom' On Climate Change

"President Donald Trump on Tuesday warned the international community against heeding the advice of environmental activists — dismissing them as fear-mongering “prophets of doom” who will cripple global economies and strip away individual liberties in what he described as a misguided mission to save the planet."

Source: Politico, 01/21/2020

Greta Thunberg’s Message at Davos Forum: ‘Our House Is Still on Fire’

"Greta Thunberg on Tuesday punched a hole in the promises emerging from a forum of the global political and business elite and offered instead an ultimatum: Stop investing in fossil fuels immediately, or explain to your children why you did not protect them from the “climate chaos” you created."

Source: NY Times, 01/21/2020


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