Journalism & Media

As Hurricanes Strike, Surge Coverage Can Save Lives

A hurricane's storm surge is an unpredictable and fast-moving killer, a phenomenon reporters must prepare to cover before it hits. This week's TipSheet explains how, with background on the complex factors that lead to storm surge, and resources to help you report on this very real risk in real time.

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Realtors Block Sea-Level Warnings That Could Crimp Coastal Profits

"All along the coast of the southeast United States, the real estate industry confronts a hurricane. Not the kind that swirls in the Atlantic, but a storm of scientific information about sea-level rise that threatens the most lucrative, commission-boosting properties."

Source: McClatchy, 09/14/2017

Exxon Loses Bid to Keep Auditor Files Secret in Climate Fraud Probe

"Brushing aside objections by ExxonMobil, New York's highest court has opened the door for state officials to demand that the oil giant's outside auditor immediately turn over records as part of a fraud investigation into the company's positions on climate change."

Source: InsideClimate News, 09/13/2017

Hurricane Toolbox, Headlines and More

Check out our guide to reporting on hurricanes like Irma, Harvey and Maria, and their aftermath. We've compiled a series of resources, including a hurricane Toolbox and Backgrounders (including one on the power grid, post-outages), as well as TipSheets on hurricanes, flooding, flood insurance, storm surge, toxic floodwaters, dam failures and more. Plus, get the latest hurricane headlines from EJ Today (subscribe).

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EPA Press Office Attacks Journalists à la Trump

The Trump Administration's EPA Press Office appears to have launched a personal attack on journalists for unfavorable coverage. WatchDog reports what happened when the Associated Press looked into possible pollution at Houston Superfund sites flooded by Hurricane Harvey.

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Covering Congress from Both Sides of the Beltway

The complex workings of the U.S. Congress create reporting challenges for all kinds of journalists, including environmental ones. But our latest TipSheet provides half a dozen key resources to help you get the job done better, whether from inside or outside the Beltway. 

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