Journalism & Media

"It Is a Time to Talk About Climate Change"

"In an interview with CNN on Thursday, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt said that now is not the time to talk about climate change. ... In the interest of minimizing harm to people, it’s always an important time to talk about climate change. We don’t have to choose between helping current victims and working to prevent the next tragedy."

Source: Atlantic, 09/12/2017

After Harvey, Critics See Big Money Behind Lax Petrochemical Reporting

"In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, an exploding chemical plant and spikes in cancer-causing emissions are highlighting how little the public knows about potential dangers from the oil and chemical industries. Critics say one reason for the darkness: tons of campaign money."

Source: Texas Tribune, 09/12/2017

Despite Irma, Florida Rep. Aims To Let Companies Hide Climate Risks

"The Republican congressman from one of Hurricane Irma’s hardest hit counties is leading a legislative effort to let companies conceal how climate change affects their businesses. Only weeks before the storm came ashore, Florida U.S. Rep. Bill Posey reintroduced legislation designed to bar federal regulators from forcing companies to better disclose their climate-related risks to their shareholders."

Source: International Business Times, 09/12/2017

"AP Exclusive: Toxic Sites In Likely Path Of Irma"

"MIAMI -- Dozens of personnel from the Environmental Protection Agency worked to secure some of the nation's most contaminated toxic waste sites as Hurricane Irma bore down on Florida. The agency said its employees evacuated personnel, secured equipment and safeguarded hazardous materials in anticipation of storm surges and heavy rains."

Source: AP, 09/11/2017

"EPA: Pruitt Declined To Prosecute Fraud Allegations as Okla. AG"

"When his investigators dug into corruption allegations at a Superfund site, Oklahoma State Auditor Gary Jones believed they'd found criminal wrongdoing. But Scott Pruitt, then Oklahoma's attorney general, didn't agree with Jones about activities at the Tar Creek site. In 2015, a little more than a year after getting Jones' report, he said he wouldn't bring criminal charges."

Source: EnergyWire, 09/06/2017

Post-Gazette Request To Open Health Dept Asbestos Proceeding Denied

"An Allegheny County Health Department hearing officer Tuesday denied a request to allow the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette to attend a proceeding that was closed to the public at the request of Ramesh and Vikas Jain, who were appealing a $1.47 million fine for multiple violations of the county’s asbestos-removal regulations."

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 08/31/2017


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