Natural Resources

SEJ Objects to Sportsmen's Act Section Affecting Public Lands Reporting

SEJ and five other journalism groups sent a letter July 8, 2014 objecting to a bill up for debate on the US Senate floor this week that could restrict the ability of journalists to report on stories in National Parks, National Forests and other public lands. Photo: Fern Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park. Courtesy U.S. NPS.


Bipartisan Lands Bill To Test Whether Senate Can Overcome Gridlock

The Senate seems to be moving ahead on a bipartisan omnibus bill to expand hunting and fishing on public land, among other things. It includes provisions that would allow federal land managers to charge fees to some documentary photographers. On July 7, the Senate voted 82-12 to limit debate on the motion to proceed with the bill.

Source: E&E Daily, 07/08/2014

"Miners Dredge Protected Idaho River in Protest of Federal Oversight"

"Protesters gathered to illegally dredge for gold on Tuesday in an Idaho river where such mining is banned, in an open challenge to the U.S. government's authority to regulate public waters and lands in Western states, an organizer said."

Source: Reuters, 07/02/2014

"Saving the Sage-Grouse: Can Oil And Conservation Work Together?"

"PINEDALE, Wyo. — The anticline is a tableland of nearly 200,000 acres, the Tetons visible in the distance and, in June, still covered with snow. The plateau is filled with sagebrush that barely reaches the knee, short grass, dirt roads and the occasional oil drill. Beneath its rocky surface are 25 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, one of the richest concentrations in the entire United States."

Source: Aljazeera America, 06/19/2014


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