Natural Resources

Protecting a Home Where the Puffer Fish Roam in Biscayne National Park

"BISCAYNE NATIONAL PARK, Fla. — For 15 years, officials, environmentalists, fishermen and boaters have struggled to put together a plan to protect one of South Florida’s jewels — a national park, almost entirely underwater, where a part of the largest reef tract in the United States lures throngs of divers and anglers who fish its once-abundant grouper and snapper."

Source: NY Times, 12/22/2014

"Activists Protest Nevada Public Land Auctions for Fracking"

"A coalition of activists on Tuesday protested outside the office of the federal Bureau of Land Management in Reno to decry an auction of huge tracts of public land for private oil and gas exploration that they claim damages the environment and guzzles water in a time of drought."

Source: LA Times, 12/10/2014

LA Restoration Should Get Top Priority For BP Spill Fine Money: Enviros

"Rebuilding Louisiana's coast, including the rapidly eroding Mississippi River delta, should be the main use of billions of dollars in expected BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill fine and restoration money, according to two reports released Tuesday by the National Wildlife Federation and a coalition of national and Louisiana environmental groups."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 12/10/2014


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