Natural Resources

"Governor, Chippewas Battle Over Mine"

"ODANAH, WIS. -- While laughing children bob in kayaks along the sandy shores of Lake Superior, their somber parents hunch over picnic tables talking about their wild rice, their water, their fish and their way of life. Members of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians worry about what is to become of their lake, a life source for their people."

Source: USA TODAY, 09/09/2013

"Descendants of Slaves Hold Out Against Coal Mining"

"DIRGIN, Texas -- Ida Finley smiles wistfully, recalling how she used to cook for an entire East Texas community -- nearly all descendants of slaves. The children would grab cornbread, greens and cookies from her kitchen while their parents grew vegetables in a tiny creekside village hidden among pine forests."

Source: AP, 09/02/2013

"Another 'Grand Canyon' Discovered Beneath Greenland's Ice"

"A major feature of the Earth has escaped notice — until now. Scientists Thursday that they've discovered a vast canyon, twice as long as the Grand Canyon. It carves a deep scar from the center of the world's largest island out to the coast. And, oh one more detail: It's buried beneath as much as 2 miles of ice. Yes, we're talking about icy Greenland."

Source: NPR, 08/30/2013


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