Laws & Regulations

GOP Spending Bill Provisions Aims To Bar Suits On WOTUS Rule

"House and Senate Republicans have inserted language into spending bills aimed at blocking legal challenges to the Trump administration’s effort to repeal a 2015 water protection rule that gave two federal agencies broad leeway in regulating activities that could affect streams and tributaries."

Source: Washington Post, 12/01/2017

Score One for Corn: In Battle Over Biofuel, a Rare Setback for Big Oil

"America’s cars run partly on fuels derived from corn and soy. That’s because of a decade-old federal mandate beloved by Midwestern farmers but opposed by an unusual coalition of oil refiners and environmentalists. On Thursday, the Trump administration sided with the farmers and announced that it would stick closely to the current rules and quotas for fuel."

Source: NY Times, 12/01/2017

Enviros Face Once-Remote Prospect in ANWR Drilling Fight: Defeat

"Carl Portman remembers watching, heartbroken, from Anchorage in 2005 as a Senate effort to allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge lost by two votes. Now, 12 years later, another effort to open up the reserve to oil and gas drilling is working its way through Congress. And this time, the political winds have shifted."

Source: NY Times, 12/01/2017

"Agriculture: Push To Protect Prairies Hits Headwinds On Great Plains"

"ATWOOD, Kan. — Kevin Holle's farm field is crowded with dried cornstalks that crackle in the breeze and ground that's dusty despite recent rain. Three years ago, this tract was one of the Earth's most endangered ecosystems: native prairie."

Source: Greenwire, 11/30/2017

"CEQ, EPA Picks Squeak Through Committee On Party-Line Votes"

"[Wednesday] morning, the Environment and Public Works Committee moved through the nominations of Kathleen Hartnett White to be chairwoman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality and Andrew Wheeler to be deputy U.S. EPA administrator. Both passed on party-line votes of 11-10."

Source: Greenwire, 11/30/2017

House Takes Up Controversial Minnesota Mining Bills

"Two controversial measures from Minnesota congressmen, both of which would ease the way for mining expansion in northeastern Minnesota, have divided the state’s congressional delegation while spurring a broader environmental debate in the U.S. House."

Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune, 11/30/2017


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