Laws & Regulations

"BLM: Potential Chief Vows To Push Local Input, Reduce Monuments"

"Wyoming-based property rights attorney Karen Budd-Falen recently vowed that if she is confirmed to lead the Bureau of Land Management, she will 'advocate for local government involvement,' criticizing an inside-the-Beltway mindset that she said currently pervades land-use planning."

Source: Greenwire, 11/27/2017

"EPA: Buyout Stories: 'We Are Kind Of Being Hollowed Out'"

"Barbara Aldridge knew it was time to leave U.S. EPA. Now 64, she had worked at the agency for 26 years, restoring wetlands along the Gulf Coast and policing Superfund compliance. But Aldridge's husband died last year, and then the election ushered in the Trump administration — and a reckoning for EPA."

Source: Greenwire, 11/27/2017

"Trump’s Interior Department Is Flooded With Industry Lobbyists"

"Lobbyists in key positions with the U.S. Department of the Interior now number 13, making the nation’s public lands agency a leading example of President Donald Trump’s policy of filling government posts with former advocates for special interests."

Source: Reveal, 11/27/2017

"NAFTA Talks Hit Wall As Mexico, Canada Push Back On U.S. Demands"

"The United States, Mexico and Canada failed to resolve any major differences in a fifth round of talks to rework the NAFTA trade deal, drawing a swift complaint from the Trump administration on Tuesday that the lack of progress could doom the process."

Source: Reuters, 11/22/2017

Trump Budget Kills Funds For Clean Tap Water In Struggling Small Towns

"ST. JOSEPH, Louisiana – On a hot delta day, Roy Bowman fills a gallon jug from an Army green trailer-mounted water tank. All year, Bowman and his neighbors in this crushingly poor, mostly African American town perched on the west bank of the Mississippi River have gotten their water this way."

Source: Reveal, 11/22/2017


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