Laws & Regulations

FOIA Suit, Silence on Hog Farms & Sea-Level Rise, Plus Shield Laws

A push for disclosure on hazardous air emissions from industrial hog farms, and reporting on how the coastal real estate industry works to block bad news about sea-level rise. That, plus the Bay Journal FOIAs the EPA over grant defunding, and a move in Congress towards a federal shield law, all in the latest WatchDog.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Clean Power Plan Showdown Ahead, But Will It Matter?

President Trump campaigned partly on the promise to abolish an Obama-era program to cut power plant CO2 emissions. But as TipSheet explains in the first in a series of special reports on key issues in the coming year, the program is tied up in complex court proceedings that may, in the end, be moot. Learn why.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Ethics: 15 Energy Lobbyists Hired Using Trump's Weakened Rule"

"Troy Lyons spent 2016 lobbying for Hess Corp., a New York City-based oil company. Among the issues he was hired to work on: U.S. EPA's proposed rules limiting methane emissions from new oil and gas wells, which Hess opposed. Then, when 2017 rolled around, Lyons got a new job. He went to work for EPA."

Source: ClimateWire, 11/20/2017

"Emanuel Blasts EPA, U.S. Steel on Pollution; Plans To To Sue Company"

"After announcing on Sunday the city’s intent to sue U.S. Steel for polluting Lake Michigan, Mayor Rahm Emanuel blasted the company and federal environmental regulators who’ve been “asleep at the switch” under the Trump administration."

Source: Chicago Sun-Times, 11/20/2017

Court Orders Paint Companies To Pay To Clean Lead Paint Out of CA Homes

"In a ruling that could set a precedent for lawsuits over the effects of climate change, a panel of appeals judges on Tuesday found three paint manufacturers responsible for the health hazards of lead paint in California homes and upheld an order that they pay to abate the dangers."

Source: LA Times, 11/20/2017


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