
"EPA Details Plan to Improve Long-Criticized New Chemical Reviews"

"The EPA outlined new tools and technology it plans to use to review the risks of new chemicals, part of an effort to address criticism about slow assessments, lack of transparency, and deficient consideration of potential hazards."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 10/25/2022

"New Jersey Latest State To Sue Oil Companies Over Climate Misinformation"

"New Jersey has joined the ranks of Rhode Island, Delaware, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Vermont as the latest state to sue some of the world’s largest oil companies for their role in delaying climate policy and increasing the climate impacts, risks and costs borne by state governments."

Source: Guardian, 10/19/2022
October 31, 2023

DEADLINE: The Open Notebook Early-Career Fellowship Program

This part-time, remote, 10-month fellowship program is for early-career science journalists with less than three years of regular professional science writing experience. Work with a mentor to plan, report and write articles for publication at The Open Notebook. $6,000 stipend. Apply by Oct 31, 2023.

Topics on the Beat: 

U.S. Wildfire Response Badly Off-Base, New Doc Convincingly Shows

A gripping new documentary on raging megafires weaves together stunning cinematography with deeply researched revelations that reveal the futility of current policy around managing wildfires, writes veteran wildfire reporter Robert McClure in a new EJ InSight column. His review, with three big takeaways.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Hibernating Fat Bears Are Complex. They May Hold Lessons For Human Health.

"Hibernating bears stay healthy despite being very fat and sedentary. New research is focusing on what humans can learn from them."

"Fat bear week starts today, that glorious autumn tradition when anyone with an internet connection can vote for the plumpest brown bear in Alaska’s Katmai National Park. Last year, more than 800,000 people weighed in during Fat Bear Week, crowning Otis, an enormous, dimpled ursine, Fat Bear champion for the fourth time.

Source: Washington Post, 10/06/2022

"Meet the Band of TV Animals That’s Talking to Preschoolers About Climate"

"There are few books, shows or other tools to help parents and teachers talk to preschoolers about global warming. “Octonauts: Above and Beyond” is one of the first to try." ... "Climate scientists say its depictions are largely accurate, with one striking omission. The program says nothing about why the Earth is heating up: the burning of oil, gas and coal."

Source: NYTimes, 10/05/2022

On the Persistence of Ocean Plastics

Concerns about seaborne plastic waste go back decades, but science writer Juli Berwald suggests that myths and disinformation about sources and solutions continue to cloud the waters. From lentil-sized nurdles to sprawling fishing nets, 200 million tons of plastic now fill the ocean and, for her, it has become evident that the ocean plastics story is really a land story. But will the newly signed international treaty on plastics offer relief?

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