
September 26, 2023

AMA With Scientists From the Food Packaging Forum

The experts of the Switzerland-based Food Packaging Forum’s Scientific Advisory Board will be available to answer questions about how chemicals in food packaging affect human health, sustainable packaging, green chemistry, plastic and chemical pollution, microplastics, endocrine disruption, and more, 11:30 a.m. EST, on Reddit.


"NIH Advisers Urge Tighter Oversight Of Experiments On Deadly Viruses"

"Biosecurity advisers to the federal government are calling for tighter scrutiny of experiments with potentially dangerous viruses and other pathogens, reflecting an ongoing debate within the scientific community over the benefits and risks of such laboratory research."

Source: Washington Post, 09/22/2022

"Biden Meets With U.K. Leader Under Cloud Of Climate Skepticism"

"President Joe Biden celebrated his climate victories at the United Nations on Wednesday. Then he sat down with British Prime Minister Liz Truss, who is staffing the highest ranks of her new government with officials who reject climate science.

The meeting of the U.N. General Assembly in New York offered Biden an international stage to tell world leaders that he had delivered on his boldest climate pledges. He called them a “global game changer.”

Source: E&E News, 09/22/2022

New Docs Show Oil Companies Slow-Rolling, Overselling Climate Initiatives

"Congressional Democrats presented fresh evidence Thursday which they say proves that oil companies are continuing to mislead the public on climate change and undercut global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."

Source: Inside Climate News, 09/16/2022
September 30, 2022

DEADLINE: World Science Forum 2022 Media for Social Justice Fellowships

"Science-interested" journalists anywhere in the world are invited to apply for an expenses-paid fellowship to attend this year's forum in Cape Town, South Africa, Dec 3-10, with flight reimbursement taking place on-site at WSF2022. Apply by Sep 30.



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