
Oil Spill And Fertilizer Leak From Sunken Cargo Ship Threaten Red Sea

"A vibrant fishing industry, some of the world’s largest coral reefs, desalination plants supplying millions with drinking water. They’re all at risk from large amounts of fertilizer and oil spilled into the Red Sea by the sinking of a cargo ship attacked by Yemen’s Houthi rebels."

Source: AP, 03/04/2024

"Climate Change Is Raising Texas’ Already High Wildfire Risks"

"Climate change is increasing the risk of wildfires in Texas, a danger made real this week as the Smokehouse Creek fire, the largest in state history, burns out of control across the Panhandle region. And that growing fire risk is beginning to affect the insurance market in Texas, raising premiums for homeowners and causing some insurers to withdraw from parts of the state."

Source: NYTimes, 03/04/2024
March 24, 2024

DEADLINE: ICFJ News Corp Media Fellowship for Digital Innovation

The International Center for Journalists, News Corp and The Wall Street Journal are offering English-speaking journalists from around the world an opportunity to sharpen their digital journalism skills, as well as support to develop data- and/or digitally-driven projects. Apply by Mar 24, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 

Eat Local for Climate’s Sake? No, Eat Less Meat

Many people who want to reduce their carbon footprint consider the climate impacts of diet, but their efforts may be misdirected. When it comes to greenhouse gas emissions, it turns out what we eat is often more important than where it comes from. Sentient Media’s Jenny Splitter unpacks the locavore myth and explains methane burps, carbon opportunity costs and more. First of two parts.

SEJ Publication Types: 

How Ice Fishing Can Break the Ice on Your Local Climate Story

What does dragging an old car onto an ice-covered lake have to do with informing your community about the perils of climate heating? Potentially a good deal. The latest TipSheet explains how waning winters and the potential impact on the entertaining tradition of ice fishing can serve as an entry into more serious matters. A dozen story ideas and resources to get you started.

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