
February 27, 2024

CJF Webinar: Emerging Business Models for News

This Canadian Journalism Foundation panel features industry upstarts rethinking how to deliver value to audiences and build healthy, diversified mission-driven businesses. See how these trailblazers are building active communities and reshaping the future of news through novel revenue models. 1:00 p.m. ET.

Topics on the Beat: 

#SEJSpotlight: Amir Khafagy, Report for America Corps Member, Documented

Meet SEJ member Amir Khafagy! Amir is an award-winning New York City-based journalist. He is currently a Report for America corps member with Documented. Much of Amir's beat explores the intersections of labor, race, class, immigration, environmental justice, and urban policy.


'Gaslit' Project Spotlights Challenges of Teaching Investigative Journalism

Research, collaboration, human-centered storytelling and the ineluctable element of time — all these were among the facets of a complex, award-winning investigative report run by a team of students at Arizona State University on excessive and harmful natural gas flaring. How the project came together, and the lessons learned, in the new EJ Academy from column co-editor and longtime educator Bob Wyss.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Tracking Down the CFATS Facilities Near You

As a follow-on to our recent story about the complex jockeying over a federal anti-terrorism program to prevent high-risk U.S. industrial facilities from becoming targets, the latest TipSheet offers localizable story ideas, along with reporting resources to help you find CFATS facilities in your community. Read more. Plus see the earlier story on why chemical plants, terrorism and regulations may be back on the agenda.

SEJ Publication Types: 
March 1, 2024

Climate Justice Series: Resource Extraction and Energy Equity in India

This event will explore the current situation in India, what policies are being proposed, and the future of marginalized coal-communities. It's the latest installment of a series examining social and economic justice issues related to climate change and the energy transition in India. 10:00-11:30 ET.


Very Cool: Trees Stalling Effects Of Global Heating In Eastern US - Study

"Trees provide innumerable benefits to the world, from food to shelter to oxygen, but researchers have now found their dramatic rebound in the eastern US has delivered a further, stunning feat – the curtailing of the soaring temperatures caused by the climate crisis."

Source: Guardian, 02/19/2024

"HEATED: Challenging Objectivity In Climate Journalism"

"Climate change and environmental issues overlap both human rights and science, yet they’re sometimes debated in the mainstream as if they’re purely factual topics that must be devoid of human investment. For instance, to “call out the polluters for polluting” is sometimes deemed advocacy by both readers and editors, says Atkin, in explaining why she started her independent newsletter, HEATED."

Source: Mongabay, 02/19/2024

"These Farmworkers Created America’s Strongest Workplace Heat Rules"

"The sweet, earthy scent of tomatoes hangs in the air as a crew of 44 workers speeds through rows of vines. They fill 32-pound buckets with fruit, then deliver them to co-workers waiting on the backs of flatbed trucks who dump the contents into crates to be sorted and packaged."

Source: Washington Post, 02/19/2024


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