
"Global Warming Could Drive Locust Outbreaks into New Regions, Study Warns"

"A study published today in Science Advances suggests that, if global warming isn’t curbed, west India and west central Asia could become locust hotspots in the decades ahead, raising new challenges for control efforts, and further threatening food security and livelihoods in already vulnerable regions."

Source: Inside Climate News, 02/15/2024

Giant Baytown Refinery Complex Wants To Expand Amid Community Backlash

"Exxon’s Baytown complex in the Houston-area has the third largest oil refinery in the U.S. and is requesting permit renewal for its olefins plant despite repeated violations to the Clean Air Act."

Source: EHN, 02/15/2024

"Farmers, Tribes Reach ‘Historic’ Klamath River Deal"

"The Interior Department on Wednesday announced an armistice in the battle over the Klamath River, unveiling an agreement between farmers reliant on the waterway for irrigation and tribal nations seeking to restore the region’s fisheries."

Source: E&E News, 02/15/2024

"A Collapse of the Amazon Could Be Coming ‘Faster Than We Thought’"

"Up to half of the Amazon rainforest could transform into grasslands or weakened ecosystems in the coming decades, a new study found, as climate change, deforestation and severe droughts like the one the region is currently experiencing damage huge areas beyond their ability to recover."

Source: NYTimes, 02/15/2024


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