
Kentucky Senate Takes Aim At ‘Harassing’ Drones Photographing Livestock

"A bill backed by Kentucky’s poultry industry and approved by the Senate Thursday would subject drone operators to new restrictions that opponents warn could help hide health and safety hazards in food production."

Source: Kentucky Lantern, 02/16/2024

"The New Arctic: Amid Record Heat, Ecosystems Morph And Wildlife Struggle"

"Every species of animal and plant that lives or breeds in the Arctic is experiencing dramatic change. As the polar region warms, species endure extreme weather, shrinking and altered habitat, decreased food availability, and competition from invading southern species."

Source: Mongabay, 02/16/2024
February 28, 2024

Coppell Sustainability Summit

This free event, hosted by the Coppell Eco Club in Coppell, Texas, 6:00-8:30 p.m., is aimed at creating change at a city-wide and political level to become more environmentally-conscious. RSVP now for a fun night of movies, free food and exceptional speakers.


"The Plastics Industry Would Like A Word With Your Kids"

"Wearing a lab coat, Eve Vitale asked a chemistry class at Warren Mott High School if anyone had heard anything bad about plastics. Hands shot up. It doesn’t degrade, said one student. It hurts the environment, said another. But “that’s not really the plastic’s fault,” said Vitale, chief executive of the Society of Plastics Engineers Foundation, a group of industry professionals. “That’s the fault of humanity.”"

Source: Washington Post, 02/15/2024


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