
EPA Mulls Approving Fruit Pesticide Despite Risks To Children, Records Show

"The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is considering approving a pesticide for use on Florida oranges and grapefruits despite the fact that agency scientists have repeatedly found the chemical does not meet safety standards designed to protect children’s health, internal agency records show."

Source: Guardian, 11/22/2023

"What Is COP28? And Other Questions About the Big U.N. Climate Summit"

"Diplomats and leaders will gather in Dubai for United Nations climate talks. ..." "Two facts loom over United Nations climate talks that begin Nov. 30 in Dubai: the planet is careening toward climate disaster, and governments are acting too slowly to avert the crisis."

Source: NYTimes, 11/22/2023

Help SEJ Support Journalists Like Rona Kobell

Rona Kobell is the co-founder and president of the Environmental Justice Journalism Initiative, a nonprofit that focuses on storytelling, science and youth engagement, and seeks to help communities tell their own stories about environmental injustices in Baltimore and beyond. You can help support journalists like Rona by giving to SEJ programs, Fund for Environmental Journalism, annual conference diversity travel fellowships, members-in-need fund or creating a legacy with a free will.

Topics on the Beat: 

Union Pacific Fired Him Rather Than Heed His Warnings of Rail Dangers

"Time and again, Johnny Taylor’s duty to keep the rails safe from disaster conflicted with his employer’s desire to keep its trains running as fast and as frequently as possible, putting his career and family in peril."

Source: ProPublica, 11/21/2023


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