
"How An American Meat Broker Is Fueling Amazon Deforestation"

"China has become the world’s biggest importer of beef, and Brazil is China’s biggest supplier, according to United Nations Comtrade data. More beef moves from Brazil to China than between any other two countries. But the Brazilian cattle industry is a major driver of the destruction of the Amazon rainforest."

Source: AP, 11/03/2023

Coal Ash: "Alabama In Billion-Dollar Showdown With EPA"

"It’s a billion-dollar decision. Probably many billions. And people all around Alabama are waiting anxiously for the feds to decide what happens next. Can Alabama leave its 100 million tons of coal ash where the utilities dumped it, in unlined ditches along the rivers across the state?"

Source: Birmingham News, 11/03/2023

"A Tangle of Rules to Protect America’s Water Is Falling Short"

"America’s stewardship of one of its most precious resources, groundwater, relies on a patchwork of state and local rules so lax and outdated that in many places oversight is all but nonexistent, a New York Times analysis has found."

Source: NYTimes, 11/03/2023

Poisoned For Decades By A Peruvian Mine, Communities Feel Forgotten

"The open-cast crater seems ready to swallow the city whole. Mud-brick houses with corrugated iron roofs teeter on the edge of the massive Raúl Rojas mining pit, now lined with razor wire, which stretches nearly 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) across and is 300 meters, or more than a quarter of a mile, deep. This is the center of Cerro de Pasco, a city in central Peru, sitting at an elevation of more than 4,300 m (14,100 feet) above sea level."

Source: Mongabay, 11/03/2023

"Action To Protect Against Climate Crisis ‘Woefully Inadequate’, UN Warns"

"The UN Environment Programme (Unep) report estimated that between $215bn and $387bn a year is needed for climate adaptation in poor and vulnerable countries alone this decade. However, funding fell by 15% – to just $21bn – in 2021, the report said."

Source: Guardian, 11/03/2023

"Access Denied: Trying To Get Into Canada’s ‘Premier’ Pro-Coal Gathering"

"I was feeling hopeful when I made my way to the Coal Association of Canada’s conference registration desk at the Sheraton Wall Centre in downtown Vancouver last week. The association had denied my media request to attend the conference but didn’t share their decision-making process or reasoning. I thought an in-person conversation would help clarify any concerns and hoped it was an oversight."

Source: The Narwhal, 11/03/2023


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