
Louisiana Was Open To Cancer Alley Concessions. Then EPA Dropped Probe

"For more than a year, the Environmental Protection Agency investigated whether Louisiana officials discriminated against Black residents by putting them at increased cancer risk. Federal officials said they had found evidence of discrimination and were pressuring the state to strengthen oversight of air pollution from industrial plants."

Source: AP, 11/02/2023

SEJ Welcomes New Board Members, Announces 2024 Journalists’ Guide Event in D.C.

Society of Environmental Journalists president Luke Runyon (pictured, left) writes to SEJ members with details on this year’s board elections, a returning flagship in-person event and an update on our executive director search.

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Earth Is Getting Extra Salty, An ‘Existential Threat’ To Freshwater Supplies

"Humanity is messing with the Earth’s “salt cycle,” with potentially dangerous consequences for drinking water supplies, crop production, and ecosystems. That’s according to a new study published in the journal Nature Reviews Earth & Environment on Tuesday."

Source: Grist, 11/01/2023


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