
"For New Zealand’s Maori Communities, Climate Change Is Already Hurting"

"TANGOIO, New Zealand — The wharenui, or meeting house, stood forlorn. Usually the hub of this remote Maori community, it had been stripped of its wooden carvings. The bare cinder block shell gave the building an unclothed appearance. Wind whistled through holes bashed out by floodwaters."

Source: Washington Post, 10/30/2023

"‘Get The Right Cases To The Supreme Court’: Inside Charles Koch’s Network"

"The Koch network, a web of rightwing groups cultivated by billionaire businessman Charles Koch and his late brother David Koch, is spearheading the attack on federal agencies and government regulations that dominates the US supreme court agenda this term."

Source: Guardian, 10/30/2023

Industry Figures Behind ‘Declaration Of Scientists’ Backing Meat Eating

"A public statement signed by more than 1,000 scientists in support of meat production and consumption has numerous links to the livestock industry, the Guardian can reveal. The statement has been used to target top EU officials against environmental and health policies and has been endorsed by the EU agriculture commissioner."

Source: Guardian, 10/30/2023

High-Risk Reporting Yields Results on Palm Oil Investigation

The devastation caused by the Amazonian palm oil industry was at the heart of an investigation by Mongabay reporter Karla Mendes. But first she had to face hostile sources, intransigent regulators and a robbery attempt. Ultimately, the project not only won a reporting prize from the Society of Environmental Journalists but brought global awareness and government action. Her experience, in Inside Story Q&A.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Court Indefinitely Blocks Gulf Oil Leasing Deadline Set For Nov. 8"

"A federal appeals court on Thursday indefinitely stayed an earlier order requiring the Biden administration to hold a November oil lease sale in the Gulf of Mexico, though it’s unclear whether the administration will immediately proceed with the sale."

Source: The Hill, 10/30/2023


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