
Podesta Recused From KXL, But Not Company That Worked With TransCanada

The Obama White House announced that newly appointed Keystone XL opponent John Podesta would recuse himself from any decisions about the controversial pipeline. But documents have shown that ERM, the company that produced a favorable report on the pipeline for the State Department, had serious conflicts of interest, which were hidden by both ERM and the State Department.

Source: Huffington Post, 12/12/2013

Riverkeeper Raises Concern Over Fracking Waste As De-Icer For NY Roads

"A New York environmental group says the use of fracking waste on some of the state’s roads is occurring more than initially thought. The state agency that regulates the use of fracking brine says it ensures the waste does not have high concentrations of pollutants."

Source: WAMC, 12/11/2013


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