
California Nuclear Plant To Shut: Unforgiving Nuclear Economics

"The San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS), a nuclear power plant set into the seaside bluffs in northern San Diego County, is closing after the high cost of repairs and a Nuclear Regulatory Commission board ruling prompted its owner, Southern California Edison, to pull the plug on the 45-year-old facility."

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 06/10/2013

"Canada Oil Output Will Double by 2030 If Pipelines Built"

To hear Canada's oil industry tell it, the U.S. State Department's draft environmental impact statement (EIS) on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline is exactly wrong. The EIS said Canada's tar sands oil would be shipped regardless of whether the pipeline is built. But the oil industry says it will double their output.

Source: FuelFix, 06/07/2013

"U.S. Orders New Safety Upgrades at Nuclear Plants"

"Washington -- U.S. regulators are directing 31 nuclear reactors similar in design to the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan, where an earthquake and tsunami caused a meltdown two years ago, to take additional steps to help contain radiation and other damage from any accident that is not quickly halted."

Source: CNN, 06/07/2013


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