
Judge Rejects Industry Suit To Omit Styrenes from Carcinogens Report

Styrene (used to make plastic packaging) was listed in June 2011 as "reasonably anticipated" to be cancer-causing in the biennial federal Report on Carcinogens. Industry not only challenged, but also mounted a political campaign, persuading a powerful House Appropriations subcommittee chairman to withhold spending for the report until NTP reconsidered the styrene listing.

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Groups Oppose North Carolina "Ag-Gag" Bill

NC's Senate is considering an industry-sponsored bill that would extend restrictions on undercover investigations beyond livestock operations to include other categories of industry. The state's Chamber of Commerce supports it, saying industries beyond agriculture want protection from the reporting of workplace abuses.

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Topics on the Beat: 

Pennsylvania Gas Industry Keeps Secret Database on Pre-Drill Quality of Wells

The fracking industry loves to argue there's no proof its gas-extraction methods cause pollution. But it works hard in Pennsylvania to keep secret any evidence that might prove the question — one way or the other. Existence of its database was reported by Marie Cusick of WITF in Harrisburg, via NPR's StateImpact Pennsylvania.

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July 1, 2019 to July 5, 2019

World Conference of Science Journalists (WCSJ 2019)

WCSJ2019 in Lausanne, Switzerland is designed to strengthen the professional, ethical and technical skills of science journalists by increasing their knowledge of recent developments in science and improving their understanding of the forces that shape our world.

Topics on the Beat: 

AP Probe: Keeping Explosive Chemicals Secret May Not Make People Safer

Aftershocks of the April 17, 2013, ammonium nitrate explosion in West, Texas, continue — including investigations by news organizations as well as state and federal agencies. A major multistate investigative project by the Associated Press could only get data for 28 of the 50 states, but within those states it found that more than 600,000 people live within a typical blast zone and more had family in schools and hospitals within one.

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"Chronic Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico Since 2004 -- Still Spilling"

A series of oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, damaged during a September 2004 hurricane, are still leaking in a "chronic" oil spill. SkyTruth brought the pollution to light using satellite imagery, aerial photography, and publicly available government data. The slicks are bigger than the company responsible is reporting.

Source: SkyTruth, 06/05/2013


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