
"US Opens First Bid for Offshore Wind Energy"

"America's first offshore wind lease sale will take place in July, the Interior Department announced Tuesday. It's good news for the US wind industry, which is hoping to expand beyond land-based production."

"On Tuesday the Interior Department unveiled plans for the nation's first auction of offshore wind leases. It's more good news for the US wind industry, which installed a record amount of capacity in 2012, and received a one-year extension on the federal tax credits driving much of the industry's growth.

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 06/05/2013

"Kan. Farmer Sues Monsanto Over GMO Wheat Discovery"

"WICHITA, Kan. -- A Kansas farmer has sued seed giant Monsanto over last week's discovery of genetically engineered experimental wheat in an 80-acre field in Oregon, claiming the company's gross negligence hurt U.S. growers by driving down wheat prices and causing some international markets to suspend certain imports."

Source: AP, 06/05/2013

SEJ Offers Fellowship Opportunities for October Conference in Chattanooga

SEJ's crowdfunding campaign for 2013 conference fellowships closed June 7th. Thanks to the generosity of SEJ members and friends, we are able to offer several fellowships through a competitive process. If you are a professional journalist reporting on the environment, you may apply for a fellowship to help cover costs of attending SEJ's Oct 2-6 conference in Chattanooga. Deadline is midnight tonight, June 24. Image (courtesy USFS): Snorkeling in the Conasauga River, site of Thursday tour #1.


TN's oversight of fracking raises concerns

For the first time, hydraulic fracturing is specifically addressed in state oil and gas regulations set to take effect June 18. Environmental groups say that is a good first step, but the regulations don’t go far enough to protect Tennessee’s natural resources and keep the public informed about drilling operations.




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