
January 5, 2024

DEADLINE: #SEJ2024 Philadelphia Conference Travel Diversity Fellowships

SEJ and The Uproot Project are partnering to offer diversity fellowships (worth up to $2800) to support journalists' attendance at #SEJ2024 in Philadelphia, Apr 3-7. Apply by January 5!

Topics on the Beat: 

Water-Sharing in the West: An Urgent and Complicated Environmental Story

Water has always been a precious commodity in the western states. Now, with rapid population growth and a drying climate, the way this resource is shared and distributed is becoming more contentious across the region. Freelance journalist Jennifer Oldham talks about the tensions between supply and demand and how to drill down into water rights laws and policies.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Louisiana Coastal Plan Update Promises Billions In Hurricane-Damage Savings

"A draft update of the state’s $50 billion coastal master plan predicts that 61 new projects to build or protect land, a dozen new levees, and new efforts to elevate, flood-proof or relocate flood-prone homes will reduce annual hurricane storm surge damages by at least $11 billion per year by 2073."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 01/10/2023
March 1, 2024

DEADLINE: Edward R. Murrow Press Fellowship

U.S. journalists or editors who cover international news can apply for the Council on Foreign Relations' fellowship. Spend ten months full time in residence at CFR's headquarters in New York, engaging in sustained analysis, writing and more. $100,000 stipend plus travel grant. Apply by Mar 1, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 


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