Planning & Growth

July 28, 2021

SEJ Webinar: Can We Talk? Getting the Story From Biden’s Interior Department

Join SEJ July 28 for a conversation with top aides to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland as we explore what access journalists have now to experts and information at Interior and its many bureaus and offices. 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET. SEJ members only. Not a member? Join us (eligibility requirements apply).


"Once a Rich Desert River, the Gila Struggles to Keep Flowing"

"The Gila was once a vibrant desert river, providing a lifeline for the riparian habitat and wildlife that depended on it in the U.S. Southwest. But population growth, agricultural withdrawals, and, increasingly, climate change have badly diminished the river and threaten its future."

Source: YaleE360, 07/09/2021

Irrigation Districts Are Key to Covering Coming Drought

With megadrought a growing reality, one way into the story is through ubiquitous water management agencies. TipSheet surveys the “waterscape” of these governmental bodies — from local irrigation districts to multi-state regional water compacts — and how focusing on them can yield vital insights for drought stories. Plus, questions to ask and links to reporting resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 
June 21, 2021

DEADLINE: IJNR Ocean and Climate Workshop Series – Northeastern U.S.

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources virtual workshop, Jul 7-8, 2021, will focus on the ocean and climate in the NE US. Designed to help journalists explore ocean issues that are underreported in popular media. Apply by June 21.


As Disasters Worsen, Calif. Looks at Curbing Construction in Risky Areas

"At the start of wildfire season, California’s insurance regulator has backed sweeping changes to discourage home building in fire-prone areas, including looking at cutting off new construction in those regions from what is often their only source of insurance — the state’s high-risk pool."

Source: NYTimes, 06/07/2021

Ready for Climate Change-Induced Grid Blackouts Along With Heat Waves?

Climate change can mean doubling down on disasters, such as a combination of widespread power outages with the kind of extreme heat that kills. The latest TipSheet explores why such simultaneous disasters are so dangerous, where they’ve happened already, why they are increasingly likely to happen again and how to prepare to cover them in your area.

SEJ Publication Types: 


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